This week is Spirit Week at Taylor's school. During Spirit Week the kids have special events each day that they may participate in. Monday was wear your pajamas to school day. Today was crazy hair day. Taylor was very much interested in participating so we came up with a crazy hair style that is sure to win a crazy hair award if there ever was such an award. Tomorrow is wacky Wednesday where you dress to clash or wear your clothes backwards and inside out. Pretty much anything goes - as long as it's in decent taste. I remember back when I was in high school we had crazy hair and clash day combined for Spirit Week. My friends and I came up with some pretty insane outfits and were brave enough to actually wear them to school. Here is the picture from my high school days and along side me are my friends Amanda and Jennifer. We had a blast! What a bunch of hotties we were!!! LOL!!! You'll have to excuse the poor photo quality. I had to scan in an actual photograph - you know back in the old days of 35mm film and flash bulbs! HA! No digital cameras to spoil you.

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