Friday, March 31, 2006
A windy day
Today Carson and I were playing outside. Carson wanted to ride his bike, but it was very windy out. A huge gust of wind came and Carson started screaming and crying, "Mommy, Mommy I am blowing away." He was really panicked so I picked him up and held him so we wouldn't get blown away. Mom to the rescue!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Coffee trouble
Today Carson was telling my mom what happened yesterday. She asked if daddy was okay or if he had to go to the hospital. Carson replied, "he went to the hospital and had to get new legs."
On another note, today we had new carpet installed in our front room and it looks so awesome! While it was being installed Carson was next door at my parents house. When he came home he saw the carpet and says, "Wow, we got new carpet." He ran around in the room and started rolling around on it. I was going to try and add pictures, but so far it's not letting me. I'll try again later. Wednesday we are having the back room carpeted. Yeah!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Today's observations
On a different note, today Carson was coloring using Crayola's new Color Wonder markers at the coffee table. Luke was in his baby walker watching and wanting to grab the markers which made Carson mad. These markers are such a great invention because they only work on color wonder paper, nothing else, so there is no mess. Well, apparently there was a non-color wonder marker in with the others that I was not aware of. Guess how I found out? I went over to get Luke out of the way so Carson would stop getting mad and saw a big yellow marker streak from Luke's hairline down his forehead ending above his eye. Carson colored Luke's head!!!! I can't leave him alone for a second! Luckily the marker wasn't black and I was able to wipe it off Luke's head. Ugh!
We went out to dinner tonight at Strongbow's and after dinner we all had dessert. Carson got a scoop of chocolate ice cream. As he took a bite his response was, "this is delicious!" Guess he really enjoyed it. He told me he needed to go potty so we headed to the bathroom. As we entered the stall Carson noticed the seat to the toilet - it was black. His reply was, "I've never seen a black potty before - Wow!" It really impressed him. What a nut!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Our poor dog

Sunday, March 19, 2006
We've got a smart one tonight!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Occupation questions and answers
Yesterday I was having a conversation with Carson about different occupations and what people do. I was curious to see what he thought so here are a few of his replies.
- What does the president do?
Carson's answer: "He opens up a present."
- What does a fireman do?
Carson's answer: "He works really hard."
- What does a veterinarian do?
Carson's answer: "He pets stuff."
- What does Daddy do at work?
Carson's answer: "He writes stuff down."
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Carson's answer: "A paint man."
- What does a nurse do?
Carson's answer: "They pick our noses." (I think he was getting silly at this point and possibly sick of me asking him too many questions!)
Friday, March 17, 2006
More Carson comments
Later that afternoon we had to leave to pick up our van that had some brake work done. When we walked in the door I looked over to the couch and saw our dog, Sasha, laying there looking at me with an extremely guilty face. I replied, "Shame on you Sasha - get off the couch! Bad dog!" Carson walked inside the house and asked what Sasha did so I told him that she was on the couch. He then asked in a concerned voice, "Is there poop on the couch now?" I sure hope not!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Are the ears turned on?
A day out with Carson
So after the mall episode I was feeling yucky and needed to eat. I decided to take the kids to Bakers Square for lunch - one of my favorite restaurants (and a place I used to work). Normally I don't attempt to do this type of thing by myself, but I decided to give it a try. It was 11:30 and the main lunch rush wouldn't arrive until we were about done. It really went quite well. Carson ate like he was starving and had never seen food before. I swear I feed my child! I told him since he ate all his lunch he could pick out a dessert. As he was looking through the different pictures of pie he came across one and asked, "Do they have cookies cake?" I looked at which pie he was referring to and it was the Oreo cookie pie. I like the name he gave it. So we had our dessert and I went to take a drink out of my very full glass of ice water and Carson replies, "Mom - don't get your nose wet!" That was too funny.
So all in all the day was pretty nice for a change. Not a whole lot of power struggles. Before it was time for his nap I was trying to get a program to play for Carson using our new TiVo. I pushed something wrong and ended up at some strange menu and Carson replied, "Uh-Oh! Now you did it. Now you're fired!" He must be the next Donald!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Mr. Independent a.k.a. Carson
The past few days the weather has been really nice so Carson has been able to play outside, but the problem is that he throws a complete fit when it's time to come inside. So the other day I told him that after his nap he could go back outside and play. So nap time is great - I get my hour to an hour and a half of sanity and peace (for the most part). Next thing I know the back door is wide open and Carson is not in his bed. I look outside and see a barefoot Carson running around the backyard kicking a ball. He took it upon himself to go outside when he was done napping. I guess I forgot to give him the specific details that he had to wait for mom or dad to go out with him. He is the most independent 3 year old I've ever met.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
American Idol Comment
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Easter Talk
Thursday, March 02, 2006
A shopping day to remember
So I had some shopping to do yesterday and we started off late in the day - there's the first mistake. Carson feel asleep in the van on the way to the store. At that point I really should have turned around and gone home, but I really wanted and needed to get a few things. So I pull into Menards and get Luke strapped into the shopping cart and pick up a completely sound asleep (snoring and drooling!!) 35 pound boy. Once we get into the store Carson wakes up and instantly says, "Can we go play with the toys?" Luckily we did not see any toys, but while I was looking in another section Carson would not stop playing in the display of doors. He continued to open and try and close himself in them. I told him to stop or he was going to get his fingers chopped off. So, after numerous times of telling him to stop playing in the doors I finally had to physically go over to him, pick him up, and place him in the cart. All the while he is yelling and kicking and screaming, "Shut up Mom! You shut up!" I am sure I was getting all kinds of looks from other shoppers, but hey what are you going to do? My child was crabby and couldn't control himself and it really was probably my fault for expecting him to be good. So I find what I need very quickly after that and proceed to the check out while Carson is still yelling and crying about who knows what. The nice clerk at the check out line was playing on Carson's sadness and asked him what was the matter. Carson replied, "I chopped my fingers off in the doors." The look that lady gave me was priceless! I had to clarify for her and explain what I told Carson would happen if he hadn't stopped playing in the doors. I was so happy to get out of that store.
Later that night I took both Luke and Carson to Kohl's to find some new pictures to hang in our home. I found 4 of them and had to awkwardly carry the pictures while pushing Luke in the stroller and trying to keep Carson by me. Carson announces he has to go potty. Great timing! So we manage to get to the customer service area where the bathrooms are. I ask the lady if I can leave the pictures with her while we use the bathroom. No sooner do I start to set the pictures down, Carson runs off and enters the Men's bathroom! Oh my gosh - what in the world was I going to do? Luckily, a man and his son were heading into the bathroom so I asked him if he could get my son for me. He peeks in and says no one is in there so what do I do? I go and retrieve my son from the men's bathroom. I was more than embarrassed! Thankfully no one was in there! It could have been a lot worse. So after the potty experience we finish up in the store and we're heading out to the van. Carson is refusing to hold my hand so I pick him up by the waist and proceed to the van. This must have really ticked him off because he started up again yelling, "Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!!!" I swear he must have said it 10 - 20 times. I could not get him to stop! I was completely mortified. I have never heard him say that word before in my life! There was an elderly couple walking past us as this was happening and I can just imagine what a great parent they thought I was.
So that was our shopping day to remember. Hopefully our future outings will be more pleasant for all of us! Or I'll get smart and find a sitter!