Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Easter Talk

There are times when I really love having conversations with Carson. It's the times when he really gets thinking, asks questions and is very interested in what were talking about. This morning we were putting a puzzle together and I mentioned how it reminded me of Easter. It had spring time colors and flowers (even though it was the three little pigs). So that started a conversation about Easter. I asked him what he thought Easter was about. His response was, "the eggs." I continued to tell him that eggs are just one part of it, but the real reason is celebrating Jesus. That's why we dress up special that day and go to church. Then he asked, "Can I dress up?" I said, "Of course." He then asked, "Can I dress up as a pumpkin or a ghost?" His concept of dressing up is in costume! Not sure how well that would go over at church.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, he is SO smart! He can dress up as the Easter Bunny!


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