Have you noticed my new look? You like?
I sent my blog off to boot camp for a new design since it was lacking one - big time.
Huge hugs, thanks, and props go out to the amazing Beth - I Should Be Folding Laundry. That girl is so multi-talented. I bet she could balance a table on her chin while hula hooping! That's how cool she is! Thank you so much Beth!
I now feel like my blog is a better reflection of who I am and not a cookie-cutter design. I like originality and am digging my new home.

Speaking of new homes, I mentioned awhile back that we're going to be moving to Ohio this summer due to my husband's job transfer. Well, we went to look at a number of houses 2 weekends ago. With each house we looked at I was hopeful, and then we would go to the next house and that one would outshine the last one we looked at. It was one of the final ones we stopped in that I felt like it belonged to us. I could feel us living our lives in each room we toured.
Well, all except this big black cat that kept staring at us and seemed to magically appear with each room we walked in. It startled me when we first entered through the front door. I seriously thought it was a decoration, until it moved it's head. Luke looked at it and his first words were, "I love you kitty." Even when he realized it was real he just wanted it to be his friend.
I don't do cats. We've tried them out in the past, but I have never found myself to ever have a connection with them. I do not trust them. Those sharp claws and sharp teeth can come out at any given moment. No thank you.
This black cat in particular had a look on his face (probably because he was fat and old) that he was pissed off. He looked very grumpy and Luke even made notice of it by saying, "That cat is mad." So every time he'd see it, he'd say, "Mad kitty." It was really cute. (Luke that is, not the large evil cat.)
We were walking up the stairs and here comes yet another cat, fat and fluffy, speeding down the stairs. What the heck? The cats made me a little cautious about the house, plus I am allergic to them, but a good thorough carpet and duct cleaning and I should be just fine.
We determined that this was the house that we want to call our home, so we made an offer that day. And wouldn't you know it, 2 days later they accepted. So we now have a signed contract to purchase that house, but if we could only sell this one we'd be happy campers.
HOW exciting! And your blog looks FABULOUS!
Fabulous blog. Fabulous house.
ReplyDeleteIf I come visit, will you make me breakfast?
By the way, I can not hula hoop.
Beth, I will make you my famous chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Deal?
ReplyDeleteAnd I can have Taylor teach you how to hula hoop. He's actually won a contest for it once.
Nice blog. :) Good luck with your move and nice house!
ReplyDeleteYour cookies and hula hoops??? DEAL.
ReplyDeleteHi Lynette,
ReplyDeleteI'm de-lurking. I love your new blog design and your new house...really beautiful (especially the house). I hope your current house sells soon and good luck with the move!
Love your new design, it's so you! And CONGRATS on the house!
ReplyDeleteI love your look and I want to come live with you in that fabulous house.
ReplyDeleteMy house can fit in there like 4 times.
and I want cookies too.
but wine is better!
I love the new blog design and the new house. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteI love what she did with it, it's gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteBLOG LOOKS GREAT and the house is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOh, I love all of Beth's designs. Yours looks fabulous.
ReplyDeleteI went to OSU - many friends and relatives in Ohio. Good luck with the move. Your three boys are too cute (thanks for the cereal data!!)