Friday, October 03, 2008

More of what my kids say that make me laugh, smile and turn red in embarrassment

Here is the latest installment of my boys and their craziness.

As we were eating a Dairy Queen cake which had chocolate sprinkles on it, Carson asks, "Doesn't this look like Taylor's pet's (dwarf hamsters) poop?"

One of the boys favorite cereal is Kix, except they don't call it Kix, instead they call them Kick Balls.

I was awakened by Carson tapping on my shoulder to tell me he pulled his tooth out. He said, "Now the tooth theory can come."

Luke's word for dining table is "diming table."

Luke calls paper clips, "toe nail clips."

Luke was flipping through the channels on the TV and he stopped at one of the home shopping channels. They were showing a piece of jewelry and I asked Luke if he thought it was pretty. He responded, "Yeah, I wanna get that for you."

Carson was watching football when one of the players got injured and the coaches had to help him off the field. Carson asked, "Is that his parents?"

Carson and I were working on his homework and I asked him what another word for door would be, trying to get him to say gate. Apparently he thought he was supposed to find a word that rhymed with door and his response was, "whore." (I about fell off my chair!) I just hope he doesn't use that one at school.

1 comment:

  1. Carson and I were working on his homework and I asked him what another word for door would be, trying to get him to say gate. Apparently he thought he was supposed to find a word that rhymed with door and his response was, "whore." (I about fell off my chair!) I just hope he doesn't use that one at school.

    I love it. Way to go, Carson. At least he's phonetically correct. ;)


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