Saturday, December 12, 2009
My List.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Lesson learned (the hard way)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
From a kid's perspective
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Take that stains!
Is it a Perspiration Stain or Deodorant/Antiperspirant Stains?
It can sometimes be confusing as to whether that underarm or armpit stain is from perspiration or deodorant/antiperspirant. If the stain is yellow or green in color and has a crunchy or crispy texture, it’s due to perspiration. If the stain, however, is white or clear with a greasy texture, it’s due to the antiperspirant and should be treated as a grease stain with the appropriate solvent.
Step Away from the Bleach!
Although it’s counterintuitive, chlorine bleach is one of the worst things you can use to treat perspiration stains, even on white cotton fabric. The chlorine in household bleach will react with the proteins in the perspiration and cause the remaining stain to darken even further. You thought the pale yellow stains gave you pause – just wait until your collar and underarms are almost mustard in color!
Stain Removal Option #1 – Start Simple with Detergent
There are so many great liquid laundry detergents on the market today that specialize in treating tough protein stains; the simplest first step in removing perspiration stains is to use liquid laundry detergent. We recommend using one that’s labeled as having oxygenated powers or concentrating in protein-based stains such as food and grass stains. Treat the affected area with full-strength liquid laundry detergent and let sit for 30 minutes. Launder as usual and air dry.
Stain Removal Option #2 – Solar-Powered Stain Removal
If liquid laundry detergent alone doesn’t remove those nasty perspiration stains, try it combined with the ultimate natural treatment option, the sun. Dampen the affected area and treat it thoroughly with full-strength detergent. Then lay the item out in the sun. Be sure to check on the garment regularly and keep it damp with a misting bottle. After a full afternoon in the sun, launder on cool and air dry.
Stain Removal Option #3 - Hydrogen Peroxide to the Rescue
With white fabrics, hydrogen peroxide is one of the best possible solutions for perspiration stain removal. The hydrogen peroxide will react with the proteins in the perspiration and break them apart, helping to prevent the gradual darkening of the area over time. Hydrogen peroxide is, however, like chlorine bleach in its whitening properties. It’s therefore to be approached with extreme caution around colored fabrics.
You can use the hydrogen peroxide either full-strength or diluted to half-strength (half water, half hydrogen peroxide). Since less is more, we recommend always starting with half-strength and adding more if necessary. Pour your hydrogen peroxide solution onto the stain and allow it to soak for 30 minutes. Launder on cool and air dry. If the stain remains, soak it for another 30 minutes in a stronger solution (more hydrogen peroxide).
Stain Removal Option #4 – Vinegar and Water
If hydrogen peroxide is too harsh for your colored fabric, another option that is usually safer for colors is a solution of vinegar and water. Use 1 Tablespoon of white vinegar and a half-cup of water to clean out stubborn perspiration stains. Allow the affected area to soak for 20-30 minutes, and then launder on cool.
Stain Removal Option #5 – Cream of Tartar and Aspirin
If you just can’t get the stains out with detergent, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar, make a paste to scrub in with your old toothbrush. The paste is formed with 1 Tablespoon of Cream of Tartar, 3 crushed aspirins (full-strength, ensure that they’re white and have no colored coating), and a cup of warm water. Use the old toothbrush to work the paste into the fabric, and then leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the affected area in warm water until the paste is removed. This treatment and rinse cycle can be repeated as necessary.
Perspiration stains can turn your favorite shirt into the one you reach for only when everything else is dirty. But this doesn’t have to happen. Reclaim your favorite shirts by removing perspiration stains without sweating much at all!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Crew 2009
Halloween Revisited
I thought it would be fun to recall some of the past Halloween costumes I and my family have worn.
What were some of your favorites when you would dress up for Halloween? It's such a fun time of year where you can be a "kid" again.
I was a one-horned devil a.k.a. "One Horny Devil"

And what dead bride and groom wouldn't be complete without their offspring Cookie Monster son?

Now we jump way back to the past to 1985. I am the Gizmo creature from the movie Gremlins (that my super talented Dad sewed from scratch) and my best bud Jenny the clown is pictured next to me. Some neighbor we didn't even know invited us into their house to take our picture. Luckily it was a lot safer back then than it is this day in age and we both lived to tell the story.

Oh yes, the punk rocker chick in 1986. I had aspirations! Check out those jelly bracelets!

And every girls dream - to be a

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The letter H

Monday, October 12, 2009
Battle scars
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Homemade is best.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Put some clothes on.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
How to tell your man you love him.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
- The sandbox is SO overrated!
- Taste of Cleveland wasn't all I thought it would be. Oh well. Up next, Popcorn Fest.
- Has anyone used Skype before?
- Went to check on Luke who was playing with chalk in the driveway, and I asked him what he was doing. He replied, "I'm chalking." I didn't know you could use that word as a verb, but I guess when you're 4 it's quite alright and pretty cute if you ask me.
- Skipped step class tonight to have dinner with the family and in-laws at Cheesecake Factory - no regrets!
- Wow my muscles could use a massage right about now.
- Watching the movie Bridge To Terabithia with my boys. Looks like I don't have to wash my eye make up off tonight. Geesh!
- A cupcake and coffee for breakfast. Not a bad way to start the day.
- I almost had a panic attack. I thought I ran out of wine. But I'm good now.
- At doctor's office waiting to get Carson's cast off. (August 26th)
- Anyone want to take a guess as to how many infections were found on my oldest son's computer? Go on, give it a try.
- So the correct answer is 368! Ridiculous. Needless to say, the computer is dead and is not getting fixed.
- So I asked my 6 y.o. if he was excited for his 1st day of school tomorrow and he replied, "I hope I don't have to sit next to any girls." Typical response from a 1st grade boy.
- I am so hooked on hummus.
- Today's equation: Humidity + a whack job haircut = mushroom head = eternal ponytails.
- My 4 y.o. just pointed at a martini glass and asked why I don't use that one? I said, "because it's for martinis." And he replied, "Oh, it's for your teenies."
- Went to the Dr. and found out I have some type of eye infection and have to wear my glasses for the next week. I hope they stay on my face when I'm jumping around at the gym.
- Enjoyed a good 2 hours at the gym tonight and subbed a few classes. Good times. Wine and bed. Goodnight!
- Heading up to Chicago for the Edwin concert tonight!
- Will someone come over and clean my house for me please? I'm just not in the mood.
- $75 and 2 cuts later, I'm still not happy with my hair. Ugh. I miss my Indiana hair stylist.
- Just popped in the movie "The Goonies" - and in 80's style I am watching it via VHS tape. Am I authentic or what?!?!
- Chop, chippity, chop, chop.....
- To chop or not to chop? That is my question.
- Was greeted by a snake and a toad while sitting outside in the front yard this evening. Sorry Becky for screaming in your ear when we were on the phone!
- I should still be sleeping, but my mind is running. Looks like it's coffee time.
- Lovin' the Cherry Kiss Martinis tonight - thanks Kristin - wish you were here!
- Just watched "I am Legend." I think I may have some bad dreams tonight.
- Oh sunshine, how I adore thee.
- Woke up to a yard full of trash and toilet paper. Gotta love those rascals, I mean adolescents.
- Wishes someone would just buy our house already.
- Ready for a shower and a tall glass of water!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Some things should not be bought in bulk.
Such as syrup.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time to get up!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Best Laugh I've had in a Long Time!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Nothing's going to hold him back.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Times sure have changed.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
There's a birthday boy in da house!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Boy + Tree = ER
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
These boys are something else!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Entertaining may not be my thing.
I supplied the pasta and fruit salad along with corn on the cob and brownies for dessert. The other couple provided the beer and burgers. Easy enough, right?
Well, let’s just say the burgers did not want to cooperate. Aaron even made the comment before they came over saying, “You’re not going to bring that box of ghetto burgers, are you?”
Hubby put the ghetto burgers on the grill and it started off ok. They were sizzling and smoking away like normal burgers do. I glanced over and made a comment about the flame broiled burgers and the increasing size of the flames all the while our guests are witnessing the entire scene play out. Then, in an instant, the innocent B.K. smoke turned into a rolling black cloud of pollution. We had a grease fire on our hands.
Hubby’s yelling at me to grab the hose while he’s doing his best to keep the flames at bay. I ran over to the hose and turned it on, not realizing that the sprinkler was still attached. There was no time to unhook it, so I rush over to the grill with sprinkler in hand while being blinded by the thick dark smoke coming from the grill. During this process I realized I had accidentally sprayed Kristin’s jeans.
Luckily the water did the trick and the flames were diminished. But the burgers, let’s just say they could no longer be considered food - more like charcoal bricks. Kristin and I decided to go to the store and get some new burgers - the leanest one’s possible.
Thankfully there were no issues with the second batch of burgers and we finally got around to eating after 8 pm. It was about time for dessert so I put some chocolate frosting on the brownies and set one out for each of us. The kids were playing in the basement and I figured they would come up to get one when they were ready.
In the meantime, we were all sitting around the kitchen table and Luke walks up to me with a disgusted look on his face holding his hand out with frosting on it. I noticed he had not yet had his brownie. I grab his wrist and ask him what he did. He replies, “poop.” I freak out and say, “No way! Where did it come from?” And his simple response was, “my butt.”
I rush him upstairs to the bathroom and clean him up. Apparently what he assumed was a fart was a little more than what he expected. He 'sharted' in his underwear.
Once he was cleaned up, I came back down and see that Kristin is busting out laughing. “Oh no, now what?” I said. She replied, “I think I know where Luke was,” and walked me over to the main floor bathroom. I walked in and there was brown smears all over the bathroom. On the sink, on the toilet, on the wall, on the floor, on the light switch.
I yelled for Carson and Luke to get their rear-ends to me immediately and asked them who made this mess. Luke insisted it was not him and Carson had the guilty look on his face and confessed it was him. I was not happy and said, “Don’t you know how to wipe your butt by now?” And Carson replied, “It’s a brownie.”
Thank goodness! I had my share of crap for the night.
Needless to say the night was full of memorable first impressions, not quite how I expected it to go, but definitely eventful. Sure we know how to entertain, just not in your traditional way.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A guest post
- Linda is my mom's best friend (since they were kids)
- Janet is my mom
- This is written from my dad's perspective
Life after 60
Just when you think the day’s adventures are over, we can always count on Linda to bring on another one. This one started with a number of federal agents escorting a naval admiral to a restaurant right across the driveway from our time share. They were still there after several hours when we decided to walk over to our friends time share. As we came out, the feds and the admiral were in the process of leaving. The vehicles they were using had flashing lights which attracted the attention of passersby, not to mention the suited guys with the serious faces.
After they pulled away, Linda, Janet and I were standing in front of the Red Parrot restaurant where the admiral had his dinner. A coupe of young fellows came up and asked Linda what was going on and who the important person was. As Linda was explaining to them what she knew, out of nowhere (as Linda put it afterwards) she let loose with a very harsh sounding shot of gas. (That’s a fart for those of you who prefer bluntness.) I was standing a good 30 feet away and was surprised at the decibel level at which it was delivered. The two fellows she was talking to said, “Whoa!” (one of them even jumped back) and quickly walked away not waiting to hear the rest of the story or anything else she might have stored up.
I disappeared around the corner doubled over in laughter. Janet was so impressed by the sheer power of it, all she could say was, “Awesome!” And poor Linda was trying to understand how something that powerful could appear without warning. From then on for the next 10 minutes, all we could do was wheeze.
Tourists... honestly!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ode to the dog (Wordless Wednesday - sort of, okay not really)