Well, here I am. Never thought I'd be trying something like this, but thanks to my good friend Beth I am doing something new. I debated on whether or not to start a blog because to be honest I didn't even know what one was or what the purpose was (not even sure if I still do or not!). So my thought processes were on the move and I came up with the idea to share my daily adventures. Some may be yawing right now, but let me tell you something - I have a 3 year old! He is no ordinary 3 year old, he's completely unique. My primary motive was to dedicate this blog to his crazy and funny outtakes on life. So my prediction is that you will be mostly laughing and sometimes crying at all the unbelievable things I have documented on this fun-loving child. So sit back and enjoy the ride because it has just begun!
A little background:
My husband (Jason) and I will have been married 8 years come April. We have 3 beautiful boys: Taylor (8), Carson (3), and Luke (9 months). I am a busy stay-at-home mom.
I can't wait for more! I also love the idea of taking your readers on "carson-adventures!" How fun! LOVE IT, LYNETTE! Truly!