Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sick kid

Literally, I have a sick kid. Poor Carson is battling a cold and has been on and off for a few weeks now. His symptoms don't seem to interrupt his usual behavior or slow him down any (darn it!) But he does seem extra crabby which is SO much fun to deal with. NOT! We took him in last Wednesday for his 3 year physical (almost a month past his actual birthday). Everything seemed to check out okay until the doctor looked in his ears. Up to this point Carson has never had an ear infection, but this day was different. The doctor asked if Carson had been complaining about his ear at all and I said no. Well, he has an ear infection so we have him on antibiotics. Baby Luke has a double ear infection at the same time so he's on antibiotic. And myself, well I am also on antibiotics for what my doctor believes to be extra fluid in my ears. So needless to say we've got some health issues going on right now. But back to Carson's symptoms. This is his first time on antibiotics and I wasn't too sure how he'd act having to drink this pink looking medicine. He took the cup and sipped it down and said, "This is delicious!" I wasn't expecting that good of a reaction, but heck I'll take it! Carson has had a runny nose for awhile too and it seems I am always chasing after him to blow his nose. Well, just the other day he comes running into my room with a kleenax and says in a very excited voice, "Mom I wiped my nose off!" Well, the wording got a little backwards, but it was cute to see how excited he was to be able to wipe his own nose for a change without having to be chased around or told to go do it.

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