Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whoa! What's that noise?!?!?

If you recently logged on to my blog you may have been welcomed by a song.

Don't be frightened. I am testing out this new "Project Playlist" for my blog.

Recently I submitted a few of my favorite songs to a local radio station and in return I received a gift certificate to one of my new favorite food chains - Chipotle. (I still don't know how to spell the freakin' name and spell check is no help!)

I have always wanted to create a CD of some of my favorite songs. But better yet, why not add it to my blog and share with you all some of the music that gets me movin' and groovin'!

I didn't want to scare you away. I hope you'll stay and listen. You never know - maybe you'll hear something new that you like. And if you don't care to listen you can always pause the music or mute it, but I hope you'll give it a chance.

Let me know what you think. I love feedback (and dark chocolate) ((and wine)) (((and comments)))!!!


  1. Lyenette,

    email me! due to no response from the original winner of my Amplify Me Etsy Giveaway, you were the alternate! YAY! So I need you to send your shipping info my way! Thanks!

    MommyInstincts AT gmail DOT com

  2. Well, I like your choice in music so I say thumbs up to Playlist! I can't pronounce Chipotle, let alone spell it.


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