If you're ever hurting for blog material I highly recommend taking a trip to your local Wally-Mart and roaming the isles where you will find plenty of material to share.
Today's trip was no exception.
Luke and I needed to stop in and pick up a few items. Our town, unfortunately, does not have a "super" Wally-Mart so I can't get all my grocery shopping done in one stop, which irritates me immensely. I mean, how long before they stock back up on toaster strudels? They've been out for 2 weeks. Does Wally-Mart not know how these are a staple in our house. And I sure can't get them at my other grocery store (Aldi). The boys are having T.S. withdrawals.
Anyway, we're walking through the store and Luke is happily laying in the cart with his feet hanging over the edge which garnered a few smiles and laughs from other shoppers. As he was looking up at the ceiling (as only a kid would do) he said to me, "Look up at the cupcakes." Now either my child is hallucinating or Wally-Mart has a strange way of advertising baked goods.

I look up and at first could not figure out what he was referring to. Finally, I got it. There were these sprinklers on the ceiling that resembled copper cupcake liners. Imagine viewing this from the other direction. I though how very observant of him it was to come up with that. (Next time you're in the store, check out the ceiling, you may even see a real bird like the ones that live in the store back in Indiana.)
We kept on shopping and wouldn't you know it, in true 3 year old fashion, I hear, "Mom - I have to go potty." But of course. Never fails. We head to the back of the store, park the cart, and go into the bathrooms, which smelled really good, surprisingly. I am not sure if it was the soap or air freshener, but it was quite delightful.
We were the only one's in there until a lady walked in, I'd say about my age or maybe a little younger and she was talking wildly fast on her cell phone. She continued to speed talk while she entered the stall and went on as we heard her do her thing AND flush. Not once did she pause or explain to the person on the other end where she was or "could I call you back in 2 minutes." Hopefully the speed at which she was talking muffled the sound of nature's call. Unbelievable. Then of all things, she didn't even wash her hands! Ugh! She just kept chatting as she walked right out of the bathroom.
When we finished, we headed out past the electronics department. There was a display of about 5 large flat screen TV's listed as 20% off. A guy with a deep southern drawl said to an employee of the store, "I give you $1000 bucks in cash for this here TV."
Since when can you price haggle at Wally-Mart? Heck, when I got up to the register I wanted to try this technique. Could you imagine the look on the cashier's face if I said, "I will offer you 89 cents for this pack of gum, deal?" Or how about this one, "I would like to buy two and get one free on the milk today." We're not at a garage sale. Last time I checked, the price you pay is the price on the sticker. Maybe I am missing something. Someone please clue me in. I don't know what the outcome was if the guy got the TV at his bargain price or not.

Last we stopped in the toy section. Not because I wanted to, but it was pretty much unavoidable. We were perusing the books, and did you know that you can purchase your very own Jesus doll? Who knew he came in doll form? Jesus as a toy? Don't get me wrong, I love me some Jesus, but the toy version just seems so strange and in a sense, wrong. Would
Jenny from Chased by Children care to take off on this one and add her thoughts? For some reason I can sense her insight on this topic.
I mean really, would you store him with your daughters Barbies? I know there could be great witness opportunities there.
Or maybe your child already has a Jesus doll. How is that working out? And what role playing and dialogue have you seen played out? I'm just curious.
I can just see what's next, the Pope doll.
It looks like that's been done too, in action figure form.
How about this one. No collection could be complete without a baby being dropped in a bowl of M&M's. Or is that an alien with really large eyes? It's hard to tell. And are those really M&M's or did baby have a very colorful accident?
This post has completely gone off on a tangent - but it's all in good humor.