Monday, November 20, 2006
To be thankful
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Funny Comments
The other day while we were in the front room a school bus went past the house. I replied, "There goes the middle school bus." Carson then asked, "Is Taylor is middle school?" I replied, "No, he's in elementary school and you, Carson, are in pre-school and Mommy is in no school." Then Carson paused and asked, "Mom, are you in stores?" I had to laugh at that. I guess his concept of when you're finished with school is that you go shopping. Not a bad idea!
I was getting ready to go workout at the gym and Carson comes up to me with my baseball cap and says, "Here Mom, don't forget to wear your helmet!"

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Luke's first haircut

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Buttered Popcorn
- Secret Butt
- Jumbo Pop Butt
- Movie Theater Butt
- Light Butt
- 100 Calorie Butt
- Variety Pack Butt
- Butt Light
- Ultimate Butt
- Sweet 'N Butt
- Cinnamon Butt
- Organic Butt
- and my favorite - Old Fashioned Butt
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
What kind of food is that?
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Caffeine Withdrawal
Today I have been having withdrawal symptoms. And it is all due to not having any coffee, but I didn’t do this to myself intentionally. I love my coffee. Every morning Jason gets up and makes a pot of Dunkin Donuts coffee for us. Well, little did I know that yesterday was the last of the coffee and no one failed to inform me that we were out. Yikes! Panic and fear set in. What was I going to do? There was maybe 2 teaspoons of grounds left in the bottom of the bag. Could I manage to make a 4 cup serving just to get me through the morning? Well that attempt was just plain pathetic. If you like hot water with a slight brown tint of coffee color then it might be for you, but why did I even bother. It was a very rainy and stormy morning so I did not want to venture out into that. And so began the pounding headache. And it escalated throughout the day. I decided to finally recruit the help of my Dad next door. I popped a few Excedrin’s, drank a little water, and went to lay down in bed in an attempt to sleep it off while the kids got to play with Papa. I felt like I just tossed and turned and I could feel my heart racing from all the caffeine in the pills I took. Sleep was not happening even after an hour of laying there. The headache still remained. So I got up and relieved my Dad and decided I needed to go get my coffee. Just the thought of it started to make me feel better. Dunkin’ Donuts here I come. I ordered my favorite – a small hot caramel latte, no sugar and drank the headache away. I normally don’t like to drink too much coffee after 4pm, but today just had to be an exception. I also stocked back up on ground coffee and will make sure to never let this happen again.
Earlier this morning while Luke was taking his morning nap I decided to jump in the shower. Carson was sitting in front of the TV enjoying the one millionth showing of a movie we rented from the library, so all was good. So I thought! After my shower I hear Luke babbling in his bed and also I hear Carson giggling. At first I thought, “Oh how cute they are talking to each other and having fun.” Then I came to my senses and realized there is probably something mischievous going on and I best go and check on the boys. I walk in the room and see Luke standing up in his crib with a sweet smile on his face and also with a huge blob of baby lotion all over his head. Carson on the other hand is sitting in the rocking chair next to the crib with the evidence in his hands (a bottle of baby lotion) and a sly smile on his face. I asked Carson what was going on and his response was, “I’m getting Luke ready for summer and putting his lotion on so he can go outside.” What a little stinker! He once again proves the point that I can’t leave him alone for more than a few minutes without him getting into some kind of trouble. But, all I could do was laugh (and make sure Carson didn’t see me!) I would have taken a picture, but the lotion was starting to makes it way down Luke’s forehead and I didn’t want to risk it going into his eyes.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
A few posts for July
In the van I keep a changing pad for when I need to change Luke’s diaper on the go. On the pad are trains and the words “toot, toot!” Taylor pulled the changing pad out and laid it on his lap. He asked, “What is this?” And I tell him it is what I use when I change Luke’s poopy diapers. He gets a very disgusted look on his face and replies, “No wonder it says ‘toot, toot!’”
July 2006
Carson likes to watch the movie Toy Story and one of his favorite characters in the movie is Buzz Lightyear. He’s watched this movie a lot. The other day while the movie was playing he came up to me and asked in a very serious voice, “Mom, what’s in Buzz Light’s ears?”
I was eating a Hershey Kiss that my Mom gave me and there were a few different varieties. I put one in my mouth and replied, “Oh – caramel.” Carson spoke up and asked, “Is it a caramel latte?” I must go to Dunkin’ Donuts too much for him to know that!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Pictures from my trip to California

I surprised the girls with a limo the morning we were supposed to be taken to the airport by my husband, Jason.

Amanda and I up in the Hollywood hills with the Hollywood sign as our backdrop. So cool to see in person!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Running errands with a 3 year old is for the birds!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
More Observations from Carson

Hi everyone. Not much to post about lately and I haven't been on the computer as much as I used to since the weather has gotten warmer. We have been spending a lot of time outside these days. All of the fresh air really helps wear Carson out, but you would think it would help him sleep more sound throughout the night, but he is still waking up almost every night and coming into our room. When is this going to stop?!?!?! I also have had to continue to drive him around in the van in order for him to fall asleep and take a nap during the day. Otherwise he fights it so bad! The other night I peeked into the boys room during the middle of the night and noticed Taylor was not in his bed. He had crawled into Carson's. The next day I asked him why he slept in Carson's bed and he said that he had a bad dream and wanted to be by Carson. How sweet is that. Now if I could only get Carson to do the same thing when he wakes up. I have tried it, but he will stay in Taylor's bed for a few minutes before he comes back into our bedroom. I have heard of parents putting locks on the outside of kids rooms, but I can't bring myself to do that. It seems a little too much! Any suggestions out there?!?!?
Carson continues to repeat any and everything we say and do or that he sees or hears on TV. Just the other day Taylor was upset over something (I can't recall the exact situation) and Carson piped up, "Taylor calm down yourself. I don't want to hear you anymore." Gosh that sounded all too familiar! Do I say that a little too much for Carson to chime it back? It did make me laugh.
Carson also makes me laugh when he doesn't quite get what you said and it comes back out the way he interpreted it. For instance, the other day he told me he had to go potty. So I asked him, "Do you have to poop or pee?" Except I did not enunciate my words so it came out slurred and sounded like I asked "poor 'er pee." Carson looks at me with a confused look and asks, "Whose pooper?" Oh I love it!
Luke got a new drum toy from his Uncle Chad for his first birthday we celebrated this past weekend and Carson has been enjoying it a lot. It plays different tunes and one in particular is a John Phillip Sousa song - kinda of like one you would hear in a 4th of July parade. Well, Carson was so quick to make this observation. He brought the drum to me and said, "Hey this song is in Back to the Future. Save the clock tower!" I had to think about it for a moment, but then I got it. The scene where Marty and his girlfriend are sitting on the park bench and the lady come up to them and yells, "Save the clock tower!" And then a van goes by playing this "marching" music that's promoting Goldie Wilson for mayor. Carson is so observant - he shocks me!
Monday, April 24, 2006
The ABC Song
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Brutally honest
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Spirit Week

This week is Spirit Week at Taylor's school. During Spirit Week the kids have special events each day that they may participate in. Monday was wear your pajamas to school day. Today was crazy hair day. Taylor was very much interested in participating so we came up with a crazy hair style that is sure to win a crazy hair award if there ever was such an award. Tomorrow is wacky Wednesday where you dress to clash or wear your clothes backwards and inside out. Pretty much anything goes - as long as it's in decent taste. I remember back when I was in high school we had crazy hair and clash day combined for Spirit Week. My friends and I came up with some pretty insane outfits and were brave enough to actually wear them to school. Here is the picture from my high school days and along side me are my friends Amanda and Jennifer. We had a blast! What a bunch of hotties we were!!! LOL!!! You'll have to excuse the poor photo quality. I had to scan in an actual photograph - you know back in the old days of 35mm film and flash bulbs! HA! No digital cameras to spoil you.

Sunday, April 09, 2006
Is it Easter yet?

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Family Update
Carson update:
We have been struggling with sleep for Carson during the last week - ever since the time change. It all started with him waking up in the middle of the night screaming and running into my room saying that there were mannequins in his bed. Earlier that day we had gone shopping at Kohl's and while I was looking in the shoe department my mom and the boys were in another part of the store when Carson noticed the mannequins. He just stared at them. No fear at the moment, just curiosity. Well, whatever it was about the mannequins, it freaked him out that night and that's when it all began. Every night since then he will not go to bed. He throws a fit, screams and cries. This has also affected his naps. It's the same situation. So I believe nap time is now over for Carson - which I am very sad about. In order to get Carson to bed at night we end up having to sit with him in the recliner until he falls asleep which doesn't take long because he is pretty much exhausted from not having a nap during the day. I hope this doesn't last much longer. I am getting very frustrated! Just the other day during a nap time struggle regarding mannequins in his bed I said, "Carson, get it out of your head." He replied, "No they're not in my head, they're at Kohl's!"
Luke Update
I am happy to report that Luke seems to have conquered being able to sleep through the night. He still occasionally wakes up, but he now is able to put himself back to sleep. I decided to not use the baby monitor at night so I am less likely to hear him if he is up and crying. I am enjoying longer stretches of sleep at night. It's been a long time coming. Also, Luke is now enjoying a broader variety of food. I have been hesitant to give him "solid" food as opposed to jars of baby food due to one episode of minor choking he had a month or two ago. But, I have overcome my fear and Luke is now a happier and fuller boy. He enjoys cheerios, toast, crackers, spaghetti/noodles and more. We are finally getting there. I always feel like I am behind the times, but what am I in a hurry for? Luke is getting closer and closer to walking. He has excellent balance and will stand by himself, but has yet to take steps outside of his playpen. He will walk from one end of his playpen to the other, but outside of that safety zone it's not happening. Soon enough I am sure. He is babbling a lot more too and his favorite words are Bob and Momma. Not sure who Bob is, but I think it's probably just a fun word to say.
Taylor update:
Taylor brought home his report card just the other day and is excelling at 2nd grade. He is such a bright student and we are so proud of him. He received all E's (which stands for Excellent Progress) and one M in handwriting (M stands for Meets requirements). His teacher left him a very nice comment, "Taylor continues to be a very responsible and cooperative student. He is progressing beautifully and is such a pleasure to have in class!" Way to go Taylor-bug! He also entered the schools Discovery Fair and made a project about the metamorphosis of a frog. He really did a good job.
Lynette and Jason Update:
Jason and I just celebrated our 8 year anniversary. We are planning a night out to have dinner and go see a movie, just haven't had the opportunity to do so yet. Jason and I have decided to join a local gym that is right around the corner from our house - quite convenient! The two younger boys really enjoy going and playing with the other kids while I take my classes. So far I think my favorite is the kickboxing. It's a great stress reliever - punching and kicking and sweating your butt off! Since I have started working out again I have this renewed sense of energy and I am not living off or craving as much coffee as I usually do. I am sleeping more sound and just feel healthier. Plus I am eating healthier foods the majority of the time. Last night I just couldn't resist a small bowl of M&M's while we had family movie night! Overall I just feel so much better.
Friday, March 31, 2006
A windy day
Today Carson and I were playing outside. Carson wanted to ride his bike, but it was very windy out. A huge gust of wind came and Carson started screaming and crying, "Mommy, Mommy I am blowing away." He was really panicked so I picked him up and held him so we wouldn't get blown away. Mom to the rescue!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Coffee trouble
Today Carson was telling my mom what happened yesterday. She asked if daddy was okay or if he had to go to the hospital. Carson replied, "he went to the hospital and had to get new legs."
On another note, today we had new carpet installed in our front room and it looks so awesome! While it was being installed Carson was next door at my parents house. When he came home he saw the carpet and says, "Wow, we got new carpet." He ran around in the room and started rolling around on it. I was going to try and add pictures, but so far it's not letting me. I'll try again later. Wednesday we are having the back room carpeted. Yeah!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Today's observations
On a different note, today Carson was coloring using Crayola's new Color Wonder markers at the coffee table. Luke was in his baby walker watching and wanting to grab the markers which made Carson mad. These markers are such a great invention because they only work on color wonder paper, nothing else, so there is no mess. Well, apparently there was a non-color wonder marker in with the others that I was not aware of. Guess how I found out? I went over to get Luke out of the way so Carson would stop getting mad and saw a big yellow marker streak from Luke's hairline down his forehead ending above his eye. Carson colored Luke's head!!!! I can't leave him alone for a second! Luckily the marker wasn't black and I was able to wipe it off Luke's head. Ugh!
We went out to dinner tonight at Strongbow's and after dinner we all had dessert. Carson got a scoop of chocolate ice cream. As he took a bite his response was, "this is delicious!" Guess he really enjoyed it. He told me he needed to go potty so we headed to the bathroom. As we entered the stall Carson noticed the seat to the toilet - it was black. His reply was, "I've never seen a black potty before - Wow!" It really impressed him. What a nut!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Our poor dog

Sunday, March 19, 2006
We've got a smart one tonight!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Occupation questions and answers
Yesterday I was having a conversation with Carson about different occupations and what people do. I was curious to see what he thought so here are a few of his replies.
- What does the president do?
Carson's answer: "He opens up a present."
- What does a fireman do?
Carson's answer: "He works really hard."
- What does a veterinarian do?
Carson's answer: "He pets stuff."
- What does Daddy do at work?
Carson's answer: "He writes stuff down."
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Carson's answer: "A paint man."
- What does a nurse do?
Carson's answer: "They pick our noses." (I think he was getting silly at this point and possibly sick of me asking him too many questions!)
Friday, March 17, 2006
More Carson comments
Later that afternoon we had to leave to pick up our van that had some brake work done. When we walked in the door I looked over to the couch and saw our dog, Sasha, laying there looking at me with an extremely guilty face. I replied, "Shame on you Sasha - get off the couch! Bad dog!" Carson walked inside the house and asked what Sasha did so I told him that she was on the couch. He then asked in a concerned voice, "Is there poop on the couch now?" I sure hope not!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Are the ears turned on?
A day out with Carson
So after the mall episode I was feeling yucky and needed to eat. I decided to take the kids to Bakers Square for lunch - one of my favorite restaurants (and a place I used to work). Normally I don't attempt to do this type of thing by myself, but I decided to give it a try. It was 11:30 and the main lunch rush wouldn't arrive until we were about done. It really went quite well. Carson ate like he was starving and had never seen food before. I swear I feed my child! I told him since he ate all his lunch he could pick out a dessert. As he was looking through the different pictures of pie he came across one and asked, "Do they have cookies cake?" I looked at which pie he was referring to and it was the Oreo cookie pie. I like the name he gave it. So we had our dessert and I went to take a drink out of my very full glass of ice water and Carson replies, "Mom - don't get your nose wet!" That was too funny.
So all in all the day was pretty nice for a change. Not a whole lot of power struggles. Before it was time for his nap I was trying to get a program to play for Carson using our new TiVo. I pushed something wrong and ended up at some strange menu and Carson replied, "Uh-Oh! Now you did it. Now you're fired!" He must be the next Donald!
Monday, March 13, 2006
Mr. Independent a.k.a. Carson
The past few days the weather has been really nice so Carson has been able to play outside, but the problem is that he throws a complete fit when it's time to come inside. So the other day I told him that after his nap he could go back outside and play. So nap time is great - I get my hour to an hour and a half of sanity and peace (for the most part). Next thing I know the back door is wide open and Carson is not in his bed. I look outside and see a barefoot Carson running around the backyard kicking a ball. He took it upon himself to go outside when he was done napping. I guess I forgot to give him the specific details that he had to wait for mom or dad to go out with him. He is the most independent 3 year old I've ever met.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
American Idol Comment
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Easter Talk
Thursday, March 02, 2006
A shopping day to remember
So I had some shopping to do yesterday and we started off late in the day - there's the first mistake. Carson feel asleep in the van on the way to the store. At that point I really should have turned around and gone home, but I really wanted and needed to get a few things. So I pull into Menards and get Luke strapped into the shopping cart and pick up a completely sound asleep (snoring and drooling!!) 35 pound boy. Once we get into the store Carson wakes up and instantly says, "Can we go play with the toys?" Luckily we did not see any toys, but while I was looking in another section Carson would not stop playing in the display of doors. He continued to open and try and close himself in them. I told him to stop or he was going to get his fingers chopped off. So, after numerous times of telling him to stop playing in the doors I finally had to physically go over to him, pick him up, and place him in the cart. All the while he is yelling and kicking and screaming, "Shut up Mom! You shut up!" I am sure I was getting all kinds of looks from other shoppers, but hey what are you going to do? My child was crabby and couldn't control himself and it really was probably my fault for expecting him to be good. So I find what I need very quickly after that and proceed to the check out while Carson is still yelling and crying about who knows what. The nice clerk at the check out line was playing on Carson's sadness and asked him what was the matter. Carson replied, "I chopped my fingers off in the doors." The look that lady gave me was priceless! I had to clarify for her and explain what I told Carson would happen if he hadn't stopped playing in the doors. I was so happy to get out of that store.
Later that night I took both Luke and Carson to Kohl's to find some new pictures to hang in our home. I found 4 of them and had to awkwardly carry the pictures while pushing Luke in the stroller and trying to keep Carson by me. Carson announces he has to go potty. Great timing! So we manage to get to the customer service area where the bathrooms are. I ask the lady if I can leave the pictures with her while we use the bathroom. No sooner do I start to set the pictures down, Carson runs off and enters the Men's bathroom! Oh my gosh - what in the world was I going to do? Luckily, a man and his son were heading into the bathroom so I asked him if he could get my son for me. He peeks in and says no one is in there so what do I do? I go and retrieve my son from the men's bathroom. I was more than embarrassed! Thankfully no one was in there! It could have been a lot worse. So after the potty experience we finish up in the store and we're heading out to the van. Carson is refusing to hold my hand so I pick him up by the waist and proceed to the van. This must have really ticked him off because he started up again yelling, "Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!!!" I swear he must have said it 10 - 20 times. I could not get him to stop! I was completely mortified. I have never heard him say that word before in my life! There was an elderly couple walking past us as this was happening and I can just imagine what a great parent they thought I was.
So that was our shopping day to remember. Hopefully our future outings will be more pleasant for all of us! Or I'll get smart and find a sitter!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Thanks for noticing
Last week Carson and I were sitting at the table having our breakfast and Jason comes out from just getting cleaned up for the day. Carson looks at his dad and says, "You're hair looks nice today Daddy." That was something we didn't expect to hear, but how nice!
Back on September 8, 2005 Taylor and I were searching around the house for a particular toy that was lost. Carson actually found it and came up to me and says, "Give me a high five!"
On February 3, 2006 I was in the kitchen making lunch and Carson was in the front room watching TV. He comes into the kitchen and says, "there's something wrong with the TV Mom." So I go out to see what the problem is. He had turned it on the Spanish speaking channel. No wonder!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Something about coffee
I leave you with a few pictures I took of the boys this afternoon.
Mr. Luke
Mr. Carson - the coffee man!
Mr. Taylor-bug!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wrong word
May 4, 2001
I asked Taylor if he was hungry and his reply was, “Yeah – I’m roasting like a chicken!”
Taylor - age 4
July 27, 2001
We were at a restaurant in Bloomington and the waiter asked Taylor what he would like. He replied, “Popcorn chicken seafood.” translation = popcorn shrimp
August 20, 2001
Taylor was helping me with the 5/3 Bank float that we constructed for the Popcorn Festival. He stood with his back against the concrete pillar and said, “Look how much I weigh.” (Slight confusion with weight and height.)
September 1, 2001
Taylor saw a daddy long leg spider and called it a gran-daddy spider.
September 4, 2001
Taylor and I were in the car and he asked why our dog Sasha killed a rabbit. I told him that dogs like to hunt smaller animals that it’s just their instinct. Taylor responds, “Yeah, they stink.”
September 21, 2001
There is a bakery in town called Chuck’s Bakery, but Taylor thinks it’s called Charlie Brown Bakery.
September 21, 2001
We went hiking at Deep River and were talking about going to Turkey Run state park. A little while later Taylor mentioned the park again, but instead of referring to it as Turkey Run Park he called it Chicken Hike Park.
June 2002
Taylor’s word interpretations:
raccoons = ratcoons
gazebo = koziko
copy cat = coffee cat
dachshund dog a.k.a. “wiener dog” = banana dog
June 17, 2002
Taylor and I were sitting outside and I got the chills. Taylor asked, “Do you have the chicken pops?” I think he meant to ask if I had goose bumps.
Taylor - age 5
November 20, 2002
Taylor was at his grandparent’s house and wanted to play the hopscotch game, but he referred to it as hotchscŏp.
April 1, 2003
Taylor was out in the back yard and spotted a sticker bush and yelled, “Mom! Watch out for that splinter bush!”
May 15, 2003
I asked Taylor if he wanted a fried egg sandwich for lunch. He replied, “Yeah, OK. But, it’s not Friday.” He must have thought I said a Friday sandwich.
Taylor - age 6
November 9, 2003
Taylor and I were playing brain quest and one question asked the name of the animal that lives in the desert. Taylor’s answer, “Canimal.” (I think he meant camel!)
January 15, 2004
I was pumping gas in the van and Taylor asked, “How many meters of gas are you getting?”
Taylor - age 7
August 24, 2004
Carson had a diaper rash so I told Jason that when he changes his diaper he would need to put some A&W ointment on. I really meant to say A&D ointment. (A&W is a brand of root beer!)
November 25, 2004
I asked Taylor who Mark Twain was and he replied, “He’s an arthur.”
January 13, 2005
Taylor wanted me to guess which pair of socks he put on without looking so I said, “a white pair.” He asked what kind and I said I didn’t know. He showed me them and said (using a two-syllable pronunciation) “Hān-es.” I think he meant Hănes.
April 1, 2005
I was pregnant at the time with Luke and I mentioned to Taylor how my belly looks like I have a basketball in it. Taylor replies, “It sure Luke’s like it.”
June 19, 2005
Jason and I were talking about an upcoming wedding we are going to and Taylor asks, “Am I going to be the ring barrier?”
Taylor – age 8
December 5, 2005
Our city has a Live Nativity scene each year and other activities downtown during the Christmas season. Taylor asks, “Are we going downtown to see the Native Activity?”
Carson - age 3
January 25, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Sick kid
Friday, February 17, 2006
Observant little guy
Carson is a fan of many kid shows, but one in particular is Blue's Clues. He enjoys finding clues that are marked with a paw print. Well, back in July 2005 I had dressed Luke for the day with a cute Carter's outfit that had a dog and paw print on it. Carson points to Luke's outfit and remarks, "Luke's got a clue!" Sure enough, there was a paw print on the shirt even though it was not a Blue's Clues shirt. Another show that Carson has enjoyed is the movie E.T. I thought it might be scary for him at first, but he really liked it. I was on the phone back in August 2005 and I had to give the spelling of my first name. So I said, "L-Y-N-E-T-T-E." Carson, who was in the kitchen with me remarked, "E-T! I want to watch ET."
This past month we had our kitchen floor, hallway and laundry room floors redone. During the process Carson was watching the men put the pieces of the floor together. I could see the observant wheels turning in his head. He asked me, "Are they doing a puzzle and can I help?" I told him it kinda was like a puzzle that they had to fit all of the pieces of the floor together, but I also told him that only older people can put these types of puzzles together. Well, his reply was, "When I get bigger I'm gonna do those puzzles too!" Future career? Maybe.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Our church experiences
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
On January 25, 2006 Carson turned 3 and we had a family birthday party to celebrate. Carson wanted to have cars and trucks on his birthday cake and there was also a lot of blue butter cream frosting. Yummy! After everyone ate the cake we all had blue lips, mouths and teeth.
Now the rest of the story...............
Currently we are "fish-sitting" 5 fish for my parents while they are on vacation. Four of them are blue dempsey cichlids and one is a plecostomus. My dad brought them over to our house and Carson was checking them out. He then asked why they were the color blue? He answered his question with his rational thinking saying, "from frosting?" That blue frosting from his birthday party must have really had an impact on him.
Monday, February 13, 2006
What are you afraid of?
June 18, 2005
I was giving Carson a bath and he kept looking up at the shower head with a frightened look in his eyes. I asked him what was the matter and he replied, "I don't like that guy." He must have thought it resembled a face of some sort is all I can figure out.
July 5, 2005
We frequent our local Wal-Mart at least once a week and lately Carson gets panicked when we get up to the check out lines. At first, I could not understand it, but then it became quite clear. We were in the line that was closest to the nail salon, and in the salon they have a very large black sculpture of a hand with very long nails on it. So after I finished at the check out I thought we'd stroll over to the nail salon and see if he really was afraid of this hand. I thought Carson was going to jump out of his seat belt in the cart. He was very panicked and was squeezing my arm saying, "No, no, no, no - I don't like that creepy hand." So I have found I can somewhat use this fear to my advantage. If Carson is acting up in Wal-Mart I can just ask him if he wants to go see "the hand" and that will usually do the trick. Am I mean or what?!?!? But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
September 24, 2005
We were at a Subway sandwich shop in Illinois and Carson was watching the man make our sandwiches. The man was wearing plastic gloves on his hands and Carson remarked, "That guy has creepy hands."
January 2006
Carson and I went to the Goodwill store and I let him look in the toy section while I was looking at kids clothes nearby. He was playing quite contently for awhile then he came over to me and said, "Mom there's a hand over there." I went over with him and asked him to show me what he was talking about, but he was very reluctant. He points from a distance and says, "Under there." I look on the bottom shelf and stuck behind the shelf there was a furry brown glove that looked like it was from a gorilla costume of some sort.
February 9, 2006
Carson and I were playing a game called What's That Sound by Discovery Toys where you listen to a CD that contains different sounds and you match the sounds to pictures on a bingo-like card. All was well until he hears the thunderstorm. Boy did he jump in my arms fast. Then a noise came on that was supposed to be an old man snoring. Carson couldn't quite figure out what it was supposed to be so I asked him what it sounded like. He replied, "A monster."
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Things you shouldn't do
June 2005
Carson was playing in the front room with his play kitchen set and seemed to be very content. I came to check on him a few minutes later and noticed all the plastic play food and plates were not in the container or in the kitchen set. Then I hear Carson behing the rocking chair. I look behind the chair and find that he had taken off the vent cover and threw all of the plastic food and plates down the vent opening. I managed to get most of them out luckily.
August 1, 2005
Today Carson had an unusually ornry day. Here are a few of the things he's done to drive me crazy.
- ate Dawn dish soap
- pulled trim off his dresser
- stuck his foot in the toilet
- put food up his nose
- wiped poop on the computer monitor
August 31, 2005
This morning Carson decided to take a 4 oz. container of bubbles (the kind you blow) and drink some and then dumped the rest on Taylor's bed. Not sure if this would pose a health risk to him or not, I called poison control and they said he should be fine other than an upset stomach.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Potty Time Adventures
I was getting Carson dressed for the day and was hoping to put underwear on him instead of a pull-up. But I figured I'd give him a choice and asked him, "Carson, would you like to wear underwear or a pull-up today?" His reply was, "No - I wanna be naked."
January 2005
Carson was playing with our dog Sasha and lifted up her tail. He took a look and replied, "Poop!"
10-3-05 Toilet fascination
Being that we've introduced the toilet concept to Carson he has been very interested, but in the wrong way. Today he was playing with my toe separators that I use when I paint my toenails. They have ducks printed on them. He comes up to me after playing in Luke's room or at least where I thought he was playing and said, "the ducks are taking a bath." "Oh, really!" I said. And I asked him to show me. He leads me to the bathroom and points to the toilet. Sure enough, there were the ducks taking a bath in the toilet. YUCK!
The next day after the duck episode we were both in the bathroom as I was putting my make up on and Carson was sitting on his potty chair. He was playing with a bouncy ball and decided to throw it into the big toilet. These balls don't float and I wasn't about to stick my hand down the toilet to find it. So we said our goodbye's to the ball and called Papa over to see if he could rescue it. No luck, it was long gone.
Carson is now successfully pooping on his Elmo potty. He has a very good imagination because he will now observe his excrement and tell me what it looks like. So far he's seen a snake, a seahorse, a big bear, and a spaceship.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Computer savvy
Back on August 25, 2005 there was mail sitting on the table. Carson picked up an envelope and replied, "Hey look mom - we got email!" Too cute!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Just the other day he wanted a snack in the pantry and apparently didn't want to ask for help but it was just out of his reach. He knows he's not supposed to pull the chairs away from the table, so he goes to the kitchen-all-purpose-junk-drawer and takes out a wooden spoon. All this time I am watching from the other room where he doesn't notice me. He walks over to the pantry and reaches up with the spoon and sure enough, he knocks down the box of fruit snacks.
His obsession with food continues. Back in October 2005 he received $5 from his "maga" Becky and Ed. I asked him what he was going to buy with his money and he replied, "Maybe grapes or bananas."
Sunday, February 05, 2006
My Little Idol Fan
As a lot of you know I enjoy watching the show American Idol and my kids usually watch it with me. This season has kicked up once again and they have started with the auditions - good and bad. I was sitting on the floor with Carson during last weeks Tuesday night episode and Carson was quietly sitting on my lap intently watching the show. When the contestants came out and did not make the cut some got really mad and had to be censored. I was thankful for that. Next up to try out was a girl with absolutely no talent. She got reamed by the judges and wasn't taking it well. She comes out the door and Ryan Seacrest asked what she felt about the judges and their decision. Her reply was, "they can kiss my butt!" Well, the censoring could have gone a little farther. Carson absorbed that comment like a sponge and was off and running, yelling and giggling, "Kiss My Butt Mom!" Thanks a lot American Idol!
On another Idol moment, back last year on April 4, 2005 I was having a conversation with Carson and asked him what he liked to watch on TV. He said replied, "Thomas the train." I asked what else he liked to watch. Then with a big grin he replied, "Bo Bice!" Oh yeah! That's my boy. I loved Bo Bice from last year's American Idol run. He's awesome! Carson knows good talent.

Saturday, February 04, 2006
Not Claustrophobic

Friday, February 03, 2006
The Introduction
A little background:
My husband (Jason) and I will have been married 8 years come April. We have 3 beautiful boys: Taylor (8), Carson (3), and Luke (9 months). I am a busy stay-at-home mom.