I am not much of a decorator, nor do I get much enjoyment out of decorating, but I thought I'd jump on this house tour bandwagon that's sweeping the blogosphere and let you peek into the slight minimalist effort I put into Christmas decorating this year.
Let's begin with the Christmas village that I love. My dear friend Amanda gave these to me and I think they are quite charming.
What village wouldn't be complete without Flick sticking his tongue to the flag pole. This is one of my favorite Christmas movies and now that we live in the Cleveland area it has even more meaning.
In the corner is my purple mini tree that I used last year for my Christmas cards, but decided to keep it simple this year and just let it be. I'm so exciting aren't I. Is anyone still here? Hello?
On the inside front door is a special hand knit decoration that my mom gave me that belonged to her parents. I remember this hanging in their house when I was a kid and I would braid the tassels at the bottom. Some of the braiding is still there.

This is something I created, well, kind of. I bought the red glittery balls and shoved them in a fake plant I bought from the store. Hey, I am proud of my work! That's as crafty as I get.

Santa's watching and listening. You better watch what you're saying about my decorating style. He looks pretty serious.

And here's the man again with his reindeer and some balls. That doesn't sound right, does it. Sorry Santa. I'll keep it G rated.

This is the kid's nativity set that they like to play with. The characters are made out of cloth so nothing is breakable which makes it perfect for my three boys. Uh, I'm not sure why the angel is straddling the roof.

Oh yes, the tree. I love my new tree and it's bright LED lights. Please excuse the crooked tacky blue and green flashing star. It was a last minute decision since the star I normally use broke and I couldn't find a decent replacement. This replacement will be getting replaced again next year. And pretend you don't see lovely extension cord off to the side.

And that wraps up the inside of the house tour. Maybe, if you're lucky, I will post some outside pictures. It's once again simple, but enough. Just think when it's time to take it all down, mine will only take a few minutes.
Oh, sticking your tongue on the frozen flag pole... the stuff Christmas memories are made of! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI love the hand knit decoration from your Grandparents'.
Do come by when you get a moment!
I love your Christmas village. I have one too, but opted not to put it up this year. You must tell me what brand it is and where you got the flag pole! I must have one too. LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too.
I love minimalist decorating and you've done a fabulous job! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteloved your christmas tour...thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteBTW, i saw a kid stick his tongue to a flagpole once...it was NOT pretty. that's one of my biggest winter fears now with three boys of my own...
Looks like you're all ready for Santa's visit. Thanks so much for participating in the tour with us!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
It's lovely, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We did more simple this year too. Sometimes less is just more, ya know?!
ReplyDeleteI love your Christmas village! I will be getting my mother in laws, as soon as I can figure out where I can set it up at my house.