Today we are traveling back to Indiana to spend some time with family and friends. We are also going to stay a few nights in Iowa to visit Jason's side of the family.

So while we're gone I thought it would be a good time to play along with a meme that Dawn from Baby Addiction tagged me with.
The rules are you have to take a picture of yourself right when you're tagged and post it.
Thank goodness I had taken a shower that day and prepared myself, otherwise I don't think I'd have any more readers to this blog of mine.
Here's the shot.

We recently got a MacBook and it has this awesome program called Photo Booth. This was a lot easier than getting out the camera, taking the shot, downloading and then uploading it. One click and I was done.
Here are some other fun pictures I created with Photo Booth. I am easily entertained.

Care to play along? I tag the following:
Nikki @ This Mama's Trip
Sharon @ The Bird's Nest
Leanne @ Tired Mama
If anyone else wants to play along, consider yourself tagged as well. Leave a comment and I'd love to check you out!
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